Posted 2012 May 24
Updated 2012 July 5, July 20, July 23, Aug 5, Aug 27
Downeast LNG Proposes
20-ft-Tall Vapor Fences
Along the Property Line, Including
Entirely Along US Route-1

Downeast LNG's Exclusion Zone that previously extended onto US Highway Route-1 has been recalculated to be even worse.
In attempting to solve that problem, Downeast LNG is now proposing to build 20-foot-tall Vapor Fences along the property fence line — including along the entire US-1 property line, along the proposed terminal's southern boundary, and along a short portion of the Mill Cove shoreline. There would also be other concentric vapor fences inside the fence line.

The 1987 US Department of Transportation LNG Vapor Barrier Tests near Falcon Lake, Nevada, clearly show that LNG vapor will flow over a Vapor Fence, and then continue to be driven along the ground by the wind.

Downeast LNG's report to FERC demonstrates that the vapor would pass over the internal Vapor Fence, and then accumulate at the external Vapor Fence alongside highway US-1; but, the test then stops without considering if the vapor would pass over the exterior Vapor Fence onto US-1.
Mill Cove would be subject to potential inundation by hazardous natural gas vapor.
Imagine a 20-foot tall solid fence immediately adjacent to the two scenic turnouts on the South side of Mill Cove, along US-1
Imagine a 20-foot tall solid fence for over 1/2-mile along route US-1 south of Mill Cove.