Posted 2009 Apr 26
Vocal Washington County Residents & Commissioner essentially admit Canada has authority to prevent LNG transits
From the Apr 1 Bangor Daily News:
On Wednesday, a vocal group of Washington County residents said Maine should not allow Irving Oil or other Canadian companies to use state-owned rights of way until Maine gets assurances that LNG tankers will have unimpeded access to the terminal sites.
Washington County Commissioner Chris Gardner accused Canadian authorities of interfering in LNG projects that would benefit the economically distressed region while fast-tracking their own energy plans.
THERE WOULD BE NO NEED to make such accusations and self-destructive demands if Canada did not actually have the authority to prohibit LNG transits into Passamaquoddy Bay.
THE COMMISSIONER AND OTHERS who support LNG in Passamaquoddy Bay ignore the LNG industry’s own terminal siting best safety practices (SIGTTO). According to SIGTTO, Passamaquoddy Bay is intrinsically unfit for LNG facilities, and there is no comparison between the siting conditions in Passamaquoddy Bay versus Canaport. Canada is doing exactly what it should be doing to protect Canadians — and even Americans — from potential harm.
THE ACCUSATION OF “FAST-TRACKING” Canadian projects at the expense of Maine projects is a red herring. In reality, Canaport was in the ballgame long before Downeast LNG and Calais LNG, and the Maine projects failed to perform their site selection due diligence.
THERE IS NO ACTUAL & PRESSING NEED for incremental natural gas facilities here as evidenced by Gov. Baldacci and Premier Graham putting the Energy Corridor natural gas pipeline on the back burner. Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline has even applied with FERC to EXPORT natural gas FROM the United States TO Canada!
IF LNG DEVELOPERS AND SUPPORTERS actually believe there is a need for additional LNG import infrastructure, then they should select sites that abide by industry best practices. Otherwise, their true motives are showing — reckless and harmful argument for the sake of it, and soaking up the venture capitalist’s money while it lasts.
SIGTTO — Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators, “Site Selection and Design for LNG Ports and Jetties,” 1997, Witherbys Publishing, Witherbys Seamanship International, Livingston, Scotland, UK. Over 95% of the world LNG industry hold membership in SIGTTO.
Also see LNG Terminal Siting Standards Organization for an abbreviated list of SIGTTO terminal siting best practices.