What are each of the specific job descriptions that promoters say will be created by an LNG terminal?
How many of each of these jobs will there be?
What are the specific qualifications to hold each of these jobs?
How many of these jobs will be filled by local people, and how many workers will be brought in?
Does the company pay for life insurance on its employees?
If so, what is the policy value, and to whom are the benefits paid?
Does the 40 acres being discussed include the space required for the cogeneration plant that frequently accompanies an LNG terminal, or will that require additional acreage?
Quoddy Bay LLCs letter to Tribal members indicates that lease payments will depend on the final size of the facility. What size options are being considered?
Will there ever be a need for more acreage?
If not, will the company guarantee it it writing?
If so, what exactly will it be needed for?
If so, how much more acreage will be needed?
From whom will it be acquired?
How will it be acquired? Is eminent domain one possible way that may be used?
In other LNG locations near residences, how close are the facilities to the residences?
Exactly what affect did the proximity of LNG facilities at other locations have on homeowners property values?
Will there be an enumeration of local properties whose property values may be affected?
Exactly what affect did the proximity of LNG facilities have on homeowners insurance at other locations?
Exactly what effect on homeowners insurance is expected here?
Will the company compensate homeowners for loss in property value due to locating the LNG facility nearby?
Is there, or will there be, an inventory of what businesses will realize a financial loss due to an LNG facility siting here?
Exactly what will be the total negative employment and financial impact including local and state taxes on those businesses?
Will Quoddy Bay LLC compensate businesses that lose revenue as a result of locating the LNG facility nearby?
Will Quoddy Bay LLC compensate employees that lose jobs or pay as a result of the LLC facility locating nearby?
What exactly will be the additional tax-paid costs to each affected community for such things as:
a) Fire Protection;
b) Security;
c) Health Services;
d) Any other additional personnel, equipment, or costs.
Will Quoddy Bay LLC be compensating communities for the above additional tax costs?
Will there be an inventory of what businesses will gain revenue as a result of locating the LNG facility nearby?
If so, what businesses will benefit?
How much will those businesses benefit?
Will there be an inventory of at-sea activities that will, and will not, be allowed near and/or around the LNG facility and the LNG ship when it is offloading?
What specific areas of the bay will be affected?
Will there be an inventory of on-shore activities that will, and will not, be allowed near and/or around the LNG facility and the LNG ship when it is offloading?
What steps will be taken to protect the Little River wetlands and estuary?
What effect will there be on the Passamaquoddy Bay fishery?
How will Gleason Point, and recreational activities there, be affected?
What specific roads and lands will be affected?
Is the Pleasant Point School (Beatrice Rafferty School) in the potential hazard zone?
Is the Perry School in the potential hazard zone?
Is the Deer Island School in the potential hazard zone?
Is the Campobello Island School in the potential hazard zone?
Are Eastports Elementary School and Shead High School in the potential hazard zone?
Is the "Boat School" (Washington County Community College’s Marine Technology Center) in Eastport in the potential hazard zone?
How close to the LNG ship and the offloading facilities will other activities be allowed in the local water when a ship is in port and offloading?
What types of activities will be allowed around the LNG terminal when a ship is not in port, and how close can those activities be?
What exact financial effect will the availability of gas and an electrical cogeneration plant have on fuel and electric bills of area businesses and residents?
Since the Quoddy Bay LLC facility will be sited on Tribal land, which is not taxable, what would the taxes be, if the facility were located elsewhere in the area?
What will be the total expense of removal of the LNG facility when it eventually become obsolete?
Will Quoddy Bay LLC be obligated to pay into an ongoing independent fund to cover the eventual costs of removing the facilities and returning the land to another use?