Save Passamaquoddy Bay

Save Passamaquoddy Bay
3-Nation Alliance

Alliance to Protect the Quoddy Region
from LNG Development

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"For much of the state of Maine, the environment is the economy"
                                           — US Senator Susan Collins, 2012 Jun 21



| 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 |


2010 Dec 14

Calais LNG Withdraws
State Applications

Calais LNG wrote to the Maine BEP, withdrawing its applications. For the project to progress, it would need to begin from scratch.

Arthur Gelber indicated to the Bangor Daily News on December 10 that withdrawal means the project is defeated.

2010 Dec 10

BEP Chair's Draft Decision —
Return Calais LNG's Permits

…knocking CLNG out of the state permitting process.

If Calais LNG does not withdraw, the full BEP Board will vote on the Draft Decision on Dec 16.

If Calais LNG either withdraws or the BEP votes to return the applications, then Calais LNG would have to re-start the state permitting process from the beginning — if and when the developer can resolve the existing fatal problems.

BEP Chair Sue Lessard's draft decision details the many steps the Board has taken so far in the Calais LNG permitting process, including expediting the process and the multiple time extensions. In retun, Calais LNG has…

  • Failed to provide required information that resulted in the original delaying of the formal hearings that were to have taken place in 2010 July;
  • Lost its financial capacity;
  • Has not demonstrated it has obtained financial capacity;
  • Lost title, right, and interest in the land required for the project; and
  • Withheld critical information from the BEP.

2010 Dec 2, Posted 2010 Dec 5
Updated 2010 Dec 7

Calais LNG
has new owner remaining owner:
North East Energy Development LLC

(Ian Emergy, Art Gelber, Carl Myers, Jim Lewis)

North East Energy Development has been a part owner of Calais LNG, all along. The previous managing partner was GS Power Holdings (Goldman Sachs), the partner with the financial capacity. Goldman Sachs backed out of the project, leaving North East Energy Development holding the bag as the sole owner.

Calais LNG wrote on 2010 Dec 2 to the Maine Board of Environmental Protection that on 2010 Nov 24, "ownership" of Calais LNG transferred from GS Power Holdings (Goldman Sachs) to North East Energy Development LLC. "Full ownership" might have been a more appropriate description.

Posted 2010 Nov 19

BEP Sets CLNG TRI Deadline

In recognition of a letter from landowners informting the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) that Calais LNG no longer has Title, Right, or Interest in the proposed terminal property…

The BEP has set a DEADLINE of
Wed, Nov 24
for Calais LNG


PDF FileRead the BEP letter to Calais LNG (PDF, 3 KB)

2010 Nov 17 — Posted 2010 Nov 19

Calais LNG Has Lost
Right to Terminal Site Property

In a Nov 17 letter to the Maine Board of Environmental Protection, the owners of the property proposed for the Calais LNG terminal indicated that as of Sep 1, "[Calais LNG] lost any right to use or purchase our property." And, "we currently have no new or existing contract with CLNG, nor do we have any obligation to sell our property to them. Presently, Calais LNG has absolutely no title, right or interest in our land."

In other words, Calais LNG has no Title, Right, or Interest (TRI) in the property, violating a Maine permitting requirement.

The property owners, "request that tbe Board of Environmental Protection enforce the regulations and continue to postpone or suspend the processing of CLNG's permitting application."

PDF FileRead the letter to the BEP (PDF, 425 KB)

Posted 2010 Nov 8

US & New England
LNG Import History


  • Current LNG import capacity = 14.250 Bcfd*.
  • 2007 — LNG imports were only 2.11 Bcfd — just 14.8% of capacity.

New England

  • Current LNG import capacity = 1.615 Bcfd.
  • 2007 — LNG imports = 0.5 Bcfd — 31% of capacity.
  • 2009 — LNG imports = 0.44 Bcfd — 27% of capacity
  • 2010 — LNG imports = 0.47 Bcfd — merely 29% of capacity

* Bcfd — Billion cubic feet per day

LNG Data for New England: 2007 through September of 2010

white line

New England

Jan – Dec 31
    Jan – Dec 31
    Jan – Sep 30
white line
Everett, MA
183.6 Bcf
155.8 Bcf
113.5 Bcf
Neptune LNG
0.0 Bcf
1.3 Bcf
Northeast Gateway
5.7 Bcf
14.7 Bcf
white line
white line
white line
LNG Import Total
183.6 Bcf
161.5 Bcf
129.6 Bcf
÷days of output
365 days
365 days
273 days
white line white line white line
= Daily output
0.5 Bcfd
0.44 Bcfd
0.47 Bcfd
white line
white line
white line
Operating Capacity

Two additional LNG terminals have come online in New England since 2007, more than doubling LNG import capacity — and yet…

 …the total volume of imported LNG to New England has DECREASED!

>>> LNG demand is NOT increasing in New England. <<<
>>> More terminals are NOT needed.<<<

Posted 2010 Nov 6

Downeast LNG is now
>>> 16 MONTHS LATE <<<
in answering FERC's questions

FERC's technical questions arising from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) required an answer by 2009 July 6. That information is required for FERC to issue a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).

When Quoddy Bay LNG failed to answer FERC's questions for one year, FERC dismissed them from the permitting process.

How much longer will FERC tolerate Downeast LNG's even-greater deadline abuse?


The Passing of Dear Friend

Deanna Francis

Feb 24, 1947 -– Oct 29, 2010

Deanna Francis passed away in her home at Sipayik on Friday, October 29, after battling lung cancer. She was a respected Passamaquoddy elder and healer, gave food, lodging, and encouragement to young Native people in need, and was a member of Nulankeyutomonen Nkihtahkomikumon (We Take Care of the Land).

We will miss her.

Posted 2010 Oct 22

Vera Francis receives
NRCM People's Choice Award

Vera Francis, organizer of Nulankeyutomonen Nkihtahkomikumon, a member of the Save Passamaquoddy Bay 3-Nation Alliance, was honored on October 21 at the National Resources Council of Maine Annual Meeting with their People's Choice Award.

Vera was bestowed the honor for her tireless and visionary environmental work to preserve Sipayik sacred lands and ancestral waters from LNG development.

Congratulations, Vera!
We're proud of you!

For more information and the award presentation video, go to NRCM Insider webpage
or, go directly to just the award presentation video: YouTube Video.

Other people in the video include:
Board President Bill Houston
Executive Director Brownie Carson
Passamaquoddy Tribal Members:
Hilda Lewis
Madonna Soctomah, Tribal Representative to the State Legislature
Cyril Francis
Nancy Soctomah
Vanessa Soctomah, Vera's daughter
Deanna Francis

Posted 2010 Oct 6

Downeast LNG is now
>>> 15 MONTHS LATE <<<
in answering FERC's questions

FERC's technical questions arising from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) required an answer by 2009 July 6. That information is required in order for FERC to issue a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).

When Quoddy Bay LNG failed to answer FERC's questions for almost one year, FERC dismissed them from the permitting process, requiring them to reapply as an entirely new project if they desired a permit.

How much longer will FERC tolerate Downeast LNG's even-greater deadline abuse?

Posted 2010 Oct 4

Image Problems:
Calais LNG & Downeast LNG

Calais LNG and Downeast LNG are doing their best to project a negative image by attempting to bully a foreign government, Canada.

Calais LNG is claiming that cooperation from Canada is not required for LNG ship transits to their proposed terminal site. Reality states otherwise.

Canada has firmly and repeatedly indicated LNG transits through Canadian waters into and through Passamaquoddy Bay are prohibited. Even in the unlikely event that Canada were to passively allow LNG transits, it is indicating it will provide no assistance whatsoever regarding safety and security of those LNG vessel transits.

Since Canada...

  1. Does not allow armed escort;
  2. Would not allow private security in Canadian waters;
  3. Would not provide at-sea or onshore security along the transit route where the ship would pass back and forth several times between US and Canadian waters;
  4. Would not provide Canadian Coast Guard assistance to clear the transit from anticipated civil disobedience in the waterway... does not pass credible scrutiny that Calais LNG could satisfy the US Coast Guard's Congressional mandate for safe and secure transits that are wholly independent from the WSA and LOR, unless cooperation from Canada is obtained.

For the Calais LNG project to have any chance of success means having to move outside Passamaquoddy Bay where Canada would not be impacted. Calais LNG's obstinate refusal to do so, along with the recently-emerged North American natural gas glut, is probably why Calais LNG's Goldman Sachs financial backing was lost, and what dooms the project to ultimate failure.

Read the US Coast Guard Captain of the Port's…
Waterway Suitability Assessment & Letter of Recommendation.

Posted 2010 Sep 16

BEP grants Calais LNG more time
…even more time than they asked for!

Calais LNG asked the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) until mid-October to find a new investor. Not only did BEP Chair grant the request, she has given Calais LNG until December 1st to find a new financial backer and to also correct insufficiencies with their applications.

Plus, the December 1st date is not actually a "deadline."

All this comes a long time after Calais LNG pressed the BEP for expedited permit processing. Then, Calais LNG backed out of the 2010 July formal permitting hearings because its permit applications were deficient.

It also comes after Calais LNG promised twice to withdraw its applications — but then reneged!

Read the BEP Chair Lessard's letter granting the extension (PDF; 468 KB)

Posted 2010 Sep 13
Updated 2010 Sep 14

Calais LNG attempts to stall
Maine BEP yet again!

Calais LNG's attorney has again requested the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) delay the permitting process Conference of Counsel that was to occur on Sep 15 until the week of Oct 11.

Once again, Calais LNG indicated that its new date is merely a "maybe"…

"Due to the complex nature of these negotiations, it is not now possible to predict precisely when the discussions might be concluded such that a new financial partner can be identified to the Board and the parties. Given that uncertainty, therefore, Calais LNG respectfully requests that the BEP provide it with an additional 30 days to complete those efforts."

This time, however, the BEP did not allow delaying the Conference of Counsel meeting. Whether or not Calais LNG will be allowed to delay demonstrating financial capacity for a third time will be determined at the Sep 15 Conference of Counsel meeting.

Purpose of the Conference: To discuss issues associated with Calais LNG’s September 13th submission.

    1. Status of Financing and Time-Table
    2. Status of Outstanding Technical Information / Time Frame for Submission
    3. Status of Calais LNG’s FERC Application
    4. Issues associated with continuing to keep processing of the application on hold
    5. Other

NOTE: Conference address changed to 4 Blossom Lane, not 6.

Read the CLNG letter to the BEP (PDF; 159 KB)

Posted 2010 Sep 5

After all that bluster, Downeast LNG isn't filing its state applications now, after all

Remember how 14 months ago DeLNG didn't want anything to delay their permitting?

After Downeast LNG made multiple claims — even before the Maine Board of Environmental Protection — that they would be filing their Maine permit applications in early July, then late July, and then in August, Downeast LNG finally revealed in a September 2 article in The Calais Advertiser that they will not be filing their state applications until after FERC releases the project's Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS). Downeast LNG's Rob Wyatt, reportedly stated, 'Downeast LNG believes in a cautious approach to what it is doing,' and is quoted as saying...

"I want the final EIS in hand before we approach the State with our applications. That is because if we learn there are things to change, we will have that in progress before we submit the applications."

Apparently, Downeast LNG's 2007 state permit applications that were withdrawn after going completely through the hearing process "don't count" in the company's "cautious approach." And, what were all those claims about re-entering the state permitting process this past July and August?

Downeast LNG still does not know if it is ready — after being a year and two months late in answering FERC's technical questions arising out of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

The Calais Advertiser goes on to state the Coast Guard gave the project a "favorable" Waterway Suitability Report (WSR) and Letter of Recommendation (LOR), but failed to mention that the WSR and LOR require Downeast LNG to obtain Canada's cooperation for secure LNG transits. How "favorable" is that?

Canada has repeatedly and firmly stated at the highest level that LNG transits are prohibited from Passamaquoddy Bay. There is no chance Canada will cooperate. Downeast LNG cannot comply with the US Coast Guard requirements.

For Downeast LNG to never file state permit applications would be the best strategy for the company and everyone else. It would save a lot of wasted effort and wasted money.

The referenced Calais Advertiser story is not available online.

Posted 2010 Sep 1
Updated 2010 Sep 2
Updated 2010 Sep 8

Maine BEP Calais LNG meeting postponed; Investor progress information still wanting

On September 1, the Maine Board of Environmental Protection's Executive Analyst sent an email to the parties in the Calais LNG application permitting, indicating a Sep 8 conference of counsel meeting would be moved to a later date. The email stated…

"Since we have not yet received additional information from the applicant on the status of funding for the project (their deadline is September 11th), the conference will not be held on the 8th."

The BEP Chair has rescheduled the conference of counsel meeting to be held…

Sep 15
1:30 pm ET

DEP Response Training Room
(on the same campus as the DEP Ray Building [main office])
Augusta, ME
See Map

Note: This Conference of Counsel meeting is a pre-hearing meeting of legal representatives from each of the involved parties (applicant and intervenors), to work out the details of the hearing.

Posted 2010 Aug 23

Calais LNG's Arthur Gelber
Wants Maine to Pay for Pipeline

On August 12, principal Arthur Gelber asked Maine Governor Baldacci to foot the pipeline construction cost (around $686,000,000) with Maine taxpayers' money. Calais LNG wants Maine government — not private enterprise — to pay for and own the pipeline.

Posted 2010 Jul 29

SPB/Canada Public Meeting

The Future of LNG in the Bay

SPB Canada Public Meeting
Enlarge the poster

Thursday, August 19
7:00 PM AT / 6:00 PM ET
W.C. O'Neill Arena
24 Reed Street
St. Andrews, NB

Posted 2010 Jul 30

Welcome & Thank
The Vermont Law School Clinic

Celebrate the victory against
the US Department of Interior,
the Bureau of Indian Affairs,
and Quoddy Bay LNG

Saturday, July 31
around 7:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM AT
Split Rock
(Pleasant Point Passamaquoddy Reservation)

Posted 2010 Jul 21

CLNG loses Goldman Sachs backing

On July 21, Calais LNG's lawfirm submitted a letter to the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) indicating that GS Power Holdings (a division of Goldman Sachs) is selling its interest in Calais LNG, and will no longer be backing the project.

For that reason, Calais LNG requests postponing a BEP "Conference of Council" meeting that was to occur this Friday (Jul 23) in Hampden for all parties to discuss Calais LNG's postponement of their BEP permit hearings that were to have occurred all this week (July 19–23).

This calls into question Calais LNG's credibility regarding why they postponed the BEP hearings that were to take place the week of July 19–23.

It further calls into question Calais LNG principal Arthur Gelber's prefiled testimony to the BEP that Calais LNG was well financed, due to backing by Goldman Sachs wholly-owned subsidiary GS Power Holdings LLC.

Posted 2010 Jul 14
Link to Legal Notie added 2010 Jul 16

BEP grants CLNG hearing
postponement request

Today — months after Calais LNG applied for permits, months after Calais LNG claimed its state applications were ready, months after Calais LNG requested and received expedited review by the Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) , after all the parties obtained over 100 witnesses and submitted testimony, and after all arrangements were made for the week-long hearing in Calais (including transportation, lodging, and meals for the Board, witnesses, intervenors, and lawyers); and then after Calais LNG decided it was not really ready after all, and requested a hearing postponement — the BEP granted Calais LNG's request for a hearing postponement.

Posted 2010 Jul 13

CLNG requests postponement
of BEP permitting hearing

Calais LNG today sent a request to the Maine Board of Environmental Protection asking for a postponement of the state permitting hearing scheduled for July 19–24. They have request postponing the hearing until after 2010 September 1.

Posted 2010 Jul 6

Downeast LNG is now
>>> 1 YEAR LATE <<<
in answering FERC's questions

FERC's technical questions arising from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) required an answer by 2009 July 6. That information is required in order for FERC to issue a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS).

When Quoddy Bay LNG failed to answer FERC's questions for almost one year, FERC dismissed them from the permitting process, requiring them to reapply as an entirely new project if they desired a permit.

How much longer will FERC tolerate Downeast LNG's even-greater deadline abuse?

Posted 2010 Jul 2

Canada prohibits LNG transits
elsewhere in Passamaquoddy Bay

Calais LNG has been attempting to gain support from Maine fishermen by foisting the projects' ill effects onto New Brunswick fishermen and boaters. Calais LNG has promised the local Maine fishermen that the LNG ships would transit on the Canadian side of the border through Western Passage, the open part of Passamaquoddy Bay, and the St. Croix River, in order to avoid disturbing Maine fishing and to avoid damaging Maine fishing gear. Instead, Calais LNG would disturb Canadian fishing and boating, and damage Canadian fishing gear.

In a June 29 letter, Canada has formally notified the Maine Department of Environmental Protection that, in order to protect the fishery, the environment, and the public, LNG transits are prohibited in those internal Canadian waters. If transits were to occur, they would have to occur in US waters.

Posted 2010 Jun 30

redesigned website
sweeps LNG
under the rug

LNG's status (as with its need)
has been significantly reduced

FERC has removed LNG as a separate Industry cagtegory. LNG is now found only within the Natural Gas category.

Finding LNG information now requires first going to the Natural Gas Industry page or, click the "NATURAL GAS" banner below the "ELECTRIC" and "HYDROPOWER" banners near the top-right of the page.

Once on the Natural Gas page

Search the page for LNG. Alternatively, click the Industry Activities link in the left-hand navigation panel. Either one will take you to the now-diminished LNG page.

Go directly to the FERC LNG page.

Posted 2010 Jun 6

Downeast LNG is now
11 months late answering FERC

Answers were due on 2009 July 6

Downeast LNG has failed to provide answers to FERC's questions arising from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Quoddy Bay LNG was ejected from the federal permitting process after failing to answer FERC's questions for 12 months.

Downeast LNG may be about out of time.

— As of 2010 May 6 —

Downeast LNG is
10 months late answering FERC

Downeast LNG has failed to provide answers to FERC's questions arising from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Downeast LNG is already 83% of the way down the same road that resulted in Quoddy Bay LNG being ejected from the federal permitting process.

Answers were due on 2009 July 6.

How much longer will FERC tolerate this abuse?

Posted 2010 Apr 28

Nulankeyutomonen Nkihtakomikumon
wins victory in LNG dispute
against BIA over Quoddy Bay LNG

Nulankeyutomonen Nkihtahkomikumon (We Take Care of Our Land) has prevailed in their lawsuit against the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA).

The BIA has thrown out the lease between Tribal Government and Quoddy Bay LNG.

Tribal Government had already dissolved the lease agreement due to Quoddy Bay LNG's lack of lease payments and desertion of the project; however, the courts required the BIA to resolve the matter, since the BIA had illegally approved the lease.

Read the 2010 April 26 Vermont Law School News Release,
"Passamaquoddy Tribe Members Win Victory in Natural Gas Dispute."

Posted 2010 Apr 19

Calais LNG financial partner
Goldman Sachs accused of fraud

The money behind Calais LNG's permitting has an ugly past, and that past is finally catching up with them.

For more, see Goldman Sachs Fraud InfoCenter and
"The great American bubble machine," Rolling Stone, 2010 Apr 5.

Posted 2010 Apr 8

Downeast LNG is now over
9 months late answering FERC

Downeast LNG has failed to provide answers to FERC's questions arising from the Draft Environmental Impact Statement.

Downeast LNG is already over ¾ of the way down the same road that resulted in Quoddy Bay LNG being ejected from the federal permitting process.

Answers were due on 2009 July 6.

How much longer will FERC tolerate this abuse?

Posted 2010 Apr 5

Downeast LNG
office is for sale

Downeast LNG For Sale sign

We do not know the significance of the appearance of a for sale sign at the Downeast LNG office in Robbinston; but, it does not project an "everything is all right" image for the company that is now 9 months late in answering FERC technical questions that were due on 2009 July 6.

Posted 2010 Apr 3

Failed Quoddy Bay LNG's
signs have been removed

Failed Quoddy Bay LNG's signs along Maine Route 190 and on the office building have finally been removed. Activity at the building hints at a locally-owned business setting up shop.

Posted 2010 Apr 1
Updated 2010 Apr 2

Maine BEP intervenors file
re Calais LNG

April 1st was the deadline for interested parties to apply as intervenors in the State of Maine Board of Environmental Protection permitting process for the Calais LNG applications.

The following filings are known, so far, either as intervenors or as government agencies in the Calais LNG state permitting process:

  • Save Passamaquoddy Bay-US
  • Nulankeyutomonen Nkihtahkomikumon
  • Conservation Law Foundation
  • Roosevelt Campobello International Park
  • US National Park Service
  • Maine Sierra Club

Posted 2010 Mar 19
Updated 2010 Mar 20

Calais LNG, lawfirm, politicians
humiliated by BEP decision

AUGUSTA, March 18 — The Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) hearing in Augusta determined if the BEP would assume jurisdiction over Calais LNG state permitting. Calais LNG partner Ian Emery, Preti Flaherty attorney David Van Slyke, Maine state Senator Kevin Raye, Maine state Representative David Burns, the Calais City Manager, and a representative from the Maine State Building and Construction Trades Council argued in an attempt to dissuade the BEP from taking jurisdiction.

Calais LNG proponents' assertions:

  • Passamaquoddy Bay is an insignificant state resource;
  • LNG in Passamaquoddy Bay is not of statewide interest;
  • New Brunswick, Canada, should not be allowed to have an LNG terminal while Maine has none;
  • The BEP would simply stall the permitting process; and
  • Jobs and taxes are the only issue.

The BEP voted unanimously to take jurisdiction

Posted 2010 Feb 26

Purpose & need statement
Calais LNG is surplus

Purpose and Need statement from Calais LNG's Natural Resources Protection Act (NRPA) Application, Attachment 1:

“…New England relies on long-distance pipelines to supply approximately 80 percent of its total natural gas needs”

Approximate natural gas output being fed into the New England natural gas market from existing and under-construction LNG import facilities:

  • Canaport LNG, Saint John, NB — 20%
  • Distrigas LNG, Everett, MA — 20%
  • Northeast Gateway, Gloucester, MA — 20%
  • Neptune LNG, Gloucester, MA — 20%

Approximate total output = 80 percent of New England's natural gas requirement.

Existing LNG import infrastructure plus long-distance pipelines equal 160% of New England's natural gas requirement.

Calais LNG is moot.

PDF fileDownload Calais LNG's NRPA Application Attachment 1 (PDF; 10.4 MB)

Posted 2010 Feb 24

North America has
400 years' worth of natural gas

Downeast LNG and Calais LNG are needless, ill-timed, ill-sited projects

Boone Pickens cites a JP Morgan report indicating four centuries' worth of natural gas at today's consumption rate.

Read the 2010 Feb 18 Huffington Post article, "A game changer"

Posted 2010 Feb 6

Imported Natural Gas Price
at Calais, ME
Cheaper Than LNG at Everett, MA

Contract Port of Entry
  Calais, ME Everett, MA
Long-Term $2.54 $3.13–$3.88
Short-Term $2.26–$3.11 $5.06 (Landed Price)

Canadian natural gas via the Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline is cheaper than imported LNG.

Note: Data is prior to opening of Canaport LNG.

PDF fileRead US Dept. of Energy Third Quarter Report 2009 (PDF; 963 KB)

Posted 2010 Feb 5
Updated 2010 Feb 9

On 2010 February 3…

Canada's Ambassador to the US
notified FERC:

Calais LNG is prohibited
from transiting into Passamaquoddy Bay
should withdraw its application

Canada has held firm to this position now for five years.
Calais LNG & Downeast LNG are an expensive waste of time, effort, & money.

PDF fileRead Ambassador Doer's letter to FERC Chairman Wellinghoff. (PDF; 370 KB)

Government of Canada's webpage about Ambassador Gary Doer

Posted 2010 Jan 21
Updated 2010 Jan 25

Quoddy Bay LNG
is being sued by
TRC Environmental Corporation

— For —

  • breach of contract (non-payment of over $1.2 million + interest);
  • fraud, a wrong, or dishonest or unjust act.

This is the second lawsuit we are aware of by a supplier against Quoddy Bay LNG. The other suit was filed by Massachusetts company Coler & Colantonio Inc. in Maine's Washington County Superior Court for nonpayment of amount due for services rendered.

Read the TRC lawsuit announcement on

Posted 2010 Jan 4

Final Environmental Impact Statement still delayed

Downeast LNG still has not
fully complied with FERC's last
information request

Downeast LNG has delayed the FERC process by 6 months beyond FERC's July 6 Deadline — even though DeLNG objected to Save Passamaquoddy Bay's request for an extended public comment period.

DeLNG has taken 3 months longer
than SPB's requested comment deadline extension.


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Read about the effort to Fix FERC: FixFERC

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