Listed here in Ascending Date Order by Date Posted to FERC eLibrary.
NOTE: The Docket List on the FERC website is in Date Order by Date Filed, rather than by Date Posted.
Color Key: | Project Developer, Contractors & Supporters Project Opponents Project Neutral Unknown, non-public comments |
Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Rosenfeld, Ron]
Filed Date: 7/6/2006
Accession No: 20060706-5035
Description: Waterways Assessment information under PF06-11 [Information regarding the lack of suitability of the Kendall Head site for the Port of Eastport, and its close proximity with similar problems to the Quoddy Bay LLC Split Rock site.]
Information:FILE LIST
Filed By: QUODDY BAY, L.L.C.
Filed Date: 7/10/2006
Accession No: 20060711-0049
Description: Quoddy Bay, LLC submits its pre-filing monthly status report for period ending 7/10/06 regarding the Quoddy Bay LNG Import and Regasification Terminal Project under PF06-11.
Information: FILE LIST
Filed By: [Godfrey, Robert]
Filed Date: 7/17/2006
Accession No: 20060715-5003
Description: USCG research on explosiveness of unconfined "hot" LNG vapor and Quoddy Bay LLC's importation of "hot" LNG -- filing of Save Passamaquoddy Bay under PF06-11.
Information: FILE LIST
Filed By: QUODDY BAY, L.L.C.
Filed Date: 7/17/2006
Accession No: 20060718-0111
Description: Quoddy Bay LLC submits copies of installation and construction information relating to the construction of the tranfer line for the Quoddy Bay LNG terminal facilities under PF06-11.
Information:FILE LIST
Filed By: QUODDY BAY, L.L.C.
Filed Date: 7/17/2006
Accession No: 20060718-0112
Description: Quoddy Bay LLC submits copies of installation and construction information relating to the construction of the tranfer line for the Quoddy Bay LNG terminal facilities under PF06-11.
Information:FILE LIST
Filed By: INDIVIDUAL [Rosenfeld, Ron]
Filed Date: 7/18/2006
Accession No: 20060718-5005
Description: Opposition to Experimental LNG Transfer System under PF06-11. [Quoddy Bay LLC is proposing to use an experimental underground/undersea LNG cryogenic pipeline under Route-190, under Half Moon Cove, and under the Old Eastport Road.]
Information: FILE LIST
Filed By: SENATE, UNITED STATES [Snowe, Olympia]
Filed Date: 7/7/2006
Accession No: 20060725-0077
Description: US Senator Olympia J Snowe submits letter from constituents about the siting of a LNG pipeline near their home for FERC review and response under PF06-11. [In response to the constituent's request for help, SEN. SNOW DOES NOTHING, but ask FERC to take the constituent's pipeline location situation into consideration, which it was already obliged to do.]
Information:FILE LIST
Filed By: SENATE, UNITED STATES [Snowe, Olympia]
Filed Date: 7/7/2006
Accession No: 20060725-0078
Description: US Senator Olympia J Snowe submits letter from constituents expressing concerns about the siting of an LNG pipeline near their home for FERC review and response under PF06-11.
Filed Date: 7/14/2006
Accession No: 20060725-0020
Description: Letter providing US Senator Olympia J Snowe w/ information concerning the status of the proposed Quoddy Bay, LLC's Quoddy Bay Liquefied Natural Gas Import and Regasification Project et al under PF06-11 et al.
Information: FILE LIST